Friday, May 15, 2020

Rivalry in Semiconductor Industry Free Essay Example, 2000 words

The process by which silicon is mutated to become wafer involves the use of several types of machinery and chemicals for polishing. Because of such extensive use of chemicals, the wafer gains mirror-like lustre. As soon as the wafers are produced they are sent for fabrication which is considered as the core step of the integrated circuit manufacturing. During this process, the circuits are arranged on the wafers. This is a highly sophisticated process and requires a dust-free environment. On average, ten to thirty days are consumed in the process of wafer fabrication. Fabrication of wafers is a complicated process which involves several sub-steps by which fabrication of wafers are successfully accomplished (Anonymous, n.d. ).Intel has remained as the most prominent name in the list of semiconductor manufacturer around the world. It has supported the US to hold the leading position in the semiconductor manufacturing industry across the world. Microprocessors manufactured by Intel ar e the most common processors found in the computers used across the world. Intel has invested huge amount of funds to set up highly productive plants through which it has achieved significant rate of production. We will write a custom essay sample on Rivalry in Semiconductor Industry or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now The company has a very high rate of production which is very much evident from the fact that the number of microprocessors manufactured by Intel in a day is more than the number of microprocessors manufactured by many small firms in a year. The company is considered to be the fifth most valuable brand across the world. Intel has proved to be very effective in terms of maintaining its position in the industry through its innovation and strategic moves. Initially, it focused on microprocessors manufacturing which helped them in gaining recognition across the world. With a continuous success rate, the company kept on raising its bar. Under its innovative approach, in 2006 the company adopted a new strategy of identifying and creating the markets. Identifying new market opportunity has enabled Intel to focus on several industries apart from the microprocessor manufacturing for personal computers.

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